
Perpetrated on the American Public Heart Disease

The Best Myth (Con) ever Perpetrated on the American Public Heart Disease!
By Dr. Michael J. Badanek DC, BS, CNS, DACBN, DCBCN

In this issue we are going to just scratch the tip of the Ice Berg on the biggest con ever sold to the American consumer/patient. That is the number cause of death noted by many experts in the field of Medicine as Cardiovascular (Heart) disease. We Americans are losing the battle with this dreaded disease which is taking in excess of 150,000 plus each and every year. As a matter of fact, cardiovascular disease(s) rank either number 1 or number 2 in deaths in America next to cancer. But why are we still plagued with these staggering numbers of fatalities in the most technologically advanced medicine system on the planet?? Let’s delve into just some of the myths and misconceptions in this most concerning topic of health care…..

In thirty four years of clinical practice in alternative, functional medicine it never fails to amuse me on the lack of knowledge and poor treatment protocols dealing with patients with health challenges in cardiovascular disease(s). It is as though the traditional medical model of diagnostic techniques and treatments are absolutely off track. The American consumer is now taking more medications and undergoing more invasive testing and treatment procedures with virtually the same outcomes. Could it be that maybe, just maybe the allopathic profession is totally off course in this situation?



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